the original 'Bechdel test' comic, from 'Dykes to Watch Out For' by Alison Bechdel

[ the original 'Bechdel test' comic, from 'Dykes to Watch Out For' by Alison Bechdel ]

Super Duper Movie Log!

Possibly In Michigan

[ year: 1983 * protagonist(s): Sharon and Janice * antagonist: Arthur / "Prince Charming" * does it pass the bechdel test? yes * example: "mother's crazy sister Kate" ]

Smoke Signals

[ year: 1998 * protagonist(s): Thomas and Victor * antagonist: ambiguous * does it pass the bechdel test? I don't think so ]

Puss In Boots: The Last Wish

[ year: 2023 * protagonist: Puss In Boots * antagonist: Death * does it pass the bechdel test? I'm not sure * example: Mama Bear tells Goldilocks that the family will help her get her wish ]


[ year: 2020 * protagonist: David * antagonist: various * does it pass the bechdel test? yes * example: Monica tells Anne that Grandma had a stroke because of Monica's selfishness ]

Shaun of the Dead

[ year: 2004 * protagonist: Shaun * antagonist(s): the zombies * does it pass the bechdel test? I don't think so ]

Jennifer's Body

[ year: 2009 * protagonist: Needy * antagonist(s): Jennifer, Low Shoulder * does it pass the bechdel test? yes * example: Young Jennifer and Needy: "I would never tell on you." ]

The Muppet Christmas Carol

[ year: 1992 * protagonist: Scrooge * antagonist: greed * does it pass the bechdel test? yes * example: Mrs. Cratchit confuses her daughters' names ]

Three Kings

[ year: 1999 * protagonist(s): the four Americans stealing the gold * antagonist(s): Saddam's army, the rest of the U.S. army * does it pass the bechdel test? i don't think so ]


[ year: 2022 * protagonist(s): Bheem and Rama * antagonist: Governor Scott * does it pass the bechdel test? no ]

Bardo: False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths

[ year: 2022 * protagonist: Silverio * antagonist(s): many tangible and intangible forces * does it pass the bechdel test? no ]

Pink Flamingos

[ year: 1972 * protagonist: Divine * antagonist(s): Connie & Raymond Marble * does it pass the bechdel test? yes * example: Connie rejects Sandy's job application ]